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(Sessions are available in person, via zoom, or over the phone)
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Healing & Transformation
True healing begins when we identify old paradigms & beliefs that hold us back from our authentic self. Much of what we learn in childhood is deeply embedded in the subconscious mind. Raising our awareness and understanding of these beliefs is the doorway to our healing.
Session topics include, but are not limited to: Inner Child Healing, Self-Love, Trauma, Co-Dependency, Grieving, Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, Letting Go of Anger, Resiliency, & Healthy Boundaries.

Health & Wellness
In today's rapidly changing environment, almost everyone is facing major challenges in some area of their life. Now more than ever, it's important to understand how we show up for ourselves, and in turn, show up for others. Our mental & physical health is priority to living a happy & fulfilled life.
Session topics include, but are not limited to: Stress & Anxiety, Depression, Life Balance, Self-Image, Future Self, Re-Writing Your Story, Healthy Living.

Healthy relationships are a vital part of life. The most important of these, is the one we have with ourselves, giving us the opportunity to deepen our connection with others. Meaningful relationships blossom from the courage to overcome barriers & opening our hearts to new possibilities.
Session topics include, but are not limited to: Dynamics of Relationships (Couples and/or Family), Re-Connecting, Renewing Agreements.
Living a life of authenticity is one in which we have passion & purpose. All too often, we build our life on preconceived ideas & beliefs only to discover much later in life that we have not created a life we love. Understanding who we are and what our purpose is gives us the foundation for true success & happiness.
Session topics include, but are not limited to: Mental Mastery, Passion & Purpose, Work Transition, Toxic Work Environment, Career Path, Organizational Management, & Project Management.